Expert Insights from Program Leaders
Marcus Hoffman, MDProfile Photo

Marcus Hoffman, MD

After studying medicine at the University of Münster, Germany, Prof. Dr. Marcus Hoffmann
worked as a medical officer of the German Armed Forces at the headquarters of the NATO Armed
Forces in Mons/Belgium, which provided an international and inter-professional environment
requiring direct patient care covering a wide range of ages and illnesses. He then worked as a
research assistant in Public Health at the renowned Faculty of Health Sciences, University of
Bielefeld, Germany and subsequently completed further clinical training in internal medicine and
trauma surgery (Prof. Dr. Peter Habermeyer) as well as a voluntary deployment with the German
Armed Forces in Afghanistan during the ISAF mission. For several years afterwards he worked for
the Sanofi Pasteur and Merck joint venture in Europe eventually being responsible as Head of
Marketing for the HPV vaccine from where he was recruited as personal aid to the executive
medical director at Heidelberg University Hospital and Medical School (Prof. Dr. J. Rüdiger
Siewert). From this postion he received full professorship at the Baden-Wuerttemberg
Cooperative State University (DHBW) and established Germany’s first gouvernment funded
“Physician Assistant” degree program.
Prof. Dr. Hoffmann played a major role in the establishment of the Further Education Decree
“Physician Assistant” of the state of Baden-Wuerttemberg, Germany, which grants an academic
degree to successful graduates of his program and entitles to use the additional professional
designation “State Approved Physician Assistant”. He was also a key member of the joint working
group “academic healthcare professions” of the German Medical Association and the National
Association of Statutory Health Insurance Physicians, which developed the concept
paper “Physician Assistant – A New Profession in the German Healthcare System”. Prof. Dr.

Hoffmann acted as subject matter expert in numerous accreditation procedures for patient-
oriented academic study programs and represents his university in the German University

Federation of Healthcare Professions.
With regard to grants and third-party funding as well as the management of large projects, especially
noteworthy is the successful acquisition of funding from the federal state of Baden-Wuerttemberg to
establish integrated academic study programs in nursing and midwifery together with appropriate
staffing and equipment. Furthermore, Prof. Dr. Hoffmann was able to implement various
other projects including innovations in teaching, the development and evaluation of more
efficient university processes and in the field of evaluating the actual medical care provided by
physician assistants. He coordinated a multi-national project funded by the European Union
addressing the use of modern teaching and learning formats in international and inter-professional
teaching. As elected and long standing managing director of the DHBW expert committee,
he established the necessary committees and led the development of the study model for
an independent department of health sciences.
Prof. Dr. Hoffmann serves as president of the European Physician Assistant / Associate
Collaboration (EuroPA-C) and leads his own Research Center for Public Health, which
coordinates a grant of the Ministry of Health of the federal state of Schleswig-Holstein,
Germany to explore the role of Physician Assistants in rural settings. Currently he serves as
Director of the newly established Academy of Health Sciences at Mannheim University Hospital,
Germany where he is responsible for the innovative training of non-physician professionals as
well as strategic human ressources including leadership training for the whole organization.

March 7, 2022

Season 2: Episode 30 - The German Model

We speak with Prof. Dr. Marcus Hoffman who is widely known as the father of the German PA profession about the origin of their model, their current path, and some of the curriculum differences between the U.S. model and the …

Episode page